A Beginner’s Guide to Video Production

At VCE Productions, we understand that some businesses may be new to the world of video production. That's why we aim to make things as simple as possible. Once we've communicated with you about your specific project, we'll email you a quote. After you've given us the go-ahead, we'll begin work on pre-production. This is simply the planning stage helping us figure out where we'll film, for how long, what equipment to bring, who will be on camera, and so forth. Once pre-production is complete, we move on to the production phase. Production is the time we will spend filming. We love shooting on location and are happy to come to your office, organization, school, or business. We're also just as happy to invite you over to our studio to film as well. Our studio consists of a 20'x12'x10' space that includes a white cyc/infinity wall as well as a black wrap-around curtain for different background options. And we are conveniently located just 4 miles south of downtown Nashville. Our state-of-the-art cameras, lights, and microphones are able to capture footage that looks and sounds great, making you look great in the process as well. Finally, once we've shot everything we need to, our team of skilled editors takes over in what is called post-production. This is the phase where we cut, tweak, and color grade your footage to make it look the best it possibly can. And by the end of it, we'll send you a video that you can truly be proud of and that markets you well.

If you’re interested in working with us and have any questions about the video production process, please reach out to us today. We’re happy to walk you through things and help manage expectations. Time and time again we’ve seen how people, new to video marketing, are blown away by what a video (or series of videos) can do for the reach of their company or organization. Let us help you tell your story today.


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